NGAAL Annual State Conference
2025 Combined State Conference
April 4-6, 2025
Marriott Shoals Hotel & Spa
NGAAL hosts several events throughout the years. Our Annual Conference is a two-day conference typically held in April of each year at various locations around the state. The Annual Conference is the premiere NGAAL event and is your chance to interact with all levels of leadership and your peers. It is also a great opportunity for your spouse to get to know other spouses and your fellow Officers.
NGAUS Annual Conference and Exhibition
In additional to NGAAL’s Annual Conference, each August is the NGAUS Annual Conference and Exhibition. This is the premiere National Guard conference with hundreds of exhibitors, speakers including our country’s the top military leaders, and your fellow friends and Officers from the other state and territory National Guards. It is held in various cities around the country.
Michigan National Guard to Host 2024
146th General Conference & Exhibition
Detroit | Aug. 23 to 26, 2024
Hosted by the Michigan National Guard
After Work Socials
NGAAL also hosts quarterly After Work Socials on weekday evenings to provide a chance for our members to get together, socialize, and network.